
NarCA RDA by Nar Mods

Vape Expo Waffle.

Vlog - 20171026 - 3D Printing - Cars - Vape Bands and some Vape Talk!

Charity Raffle - Jac Vapour S17/S22 kits and liquid - for Dogs Trust.

Geekvape Athena BF Squonking Kit

Tankit by Steam Tuners

Live Vlog - Because I'm a lazy Sod!

How to make a Mech Squonker for under £30.

Dvarw DL RTA by KHW Mods

Charity Raffle - Elemental Mods Gallium and GOM Ultimate RDA

LETO RTA by Titanide

Vlog 20171013

The Gallium Squonker from Elemental Mods

SMArt ONE by SMart Mods

The Palm BF by MMV (Metal Madness Vapors)

Stentorian Basilisk 200W VW Box MOD

Vlog 20171005

First Impressions - The a S18 Squonker

VGOD Elite 200 Box Mod

Jigsaw drip tip by Vape Mods

Revolution Squad El Twister & Brit Pop Mech Mods