So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.


  1. no!!!!!!!!!!

    take some time off and come back, I did. I'll miss your stuff and HMS Vapeshed. Be well.

  2. See you when you pop on once in a while. Thanks for being just you, and good luck with everything else.

  3. Thanks Todd,
    You'll never know how much time I've spent watching your vlogs and reviews and the enjoyment I've taken from them but I thank you for all the time and effort you've put in.
    I'm a year and a half smoke free and and it's been videos like yours that have helped get me there.
    Best of luck to you mate.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Mark,

    As a long time subscriber and faithful watcher of your videos I have to say that I'm saddened to hear that you won't be making videos for the foreseeable future. When a new product came out, I wouldn't give it the time of day until I heard your opinion. Thanks for all the time you have put into helping the vape community out. I really appreciate it. I'm looking forward to when you start up operations again. Good luck and godspeed.

  6. I've really enjoyed the vids and have always found the information provided very helpful. Enjoy the time off and look forward to your return in the future....
    Best of Luck!

  7. Thanks Mark,
    Going to miss you on the old YouTube especially your vlogs been watching and learning from you for 2 years so your been a big part of my journey.
    I'd like to thank you for your kindness with the charity work and giving people a chance to own some nice vape gear(JÄ Vapes mods).
    Most of all enjoy your break take care.

  8. See you soon Mark...Good luck to you mate ;-)

  9. Catch you on the next one :)

  10. Most of the ppl above have all sead it better than I can but I'll try anyway. I think what you have achieved with your channel, charity work and health is an exceptional achievement. You are the best reviewer on YouTube. You will be very sorely missed.
    I wish you the very very best for the future. Thank you for all the videos and entertainment that you have done..and will do in the future;)
    Haste ye back my friend..... Nick

  11. on behalf of myself, half the world, and us at Thailand vaper's, good luck mark. i for one will surely miss you buddy, you've been an inspiration to me, you've taught me so much you've given me something interesting to watch, you've given me laugh's and information,as well as other stuff you have done for our forum. it kinda feel's like i'm losing a friend, be good, stay safe, and give the wifey lot's of love, until she's sick of it and want's some alone time, then you can get back to us, lol all the best mark. hope to see you soon. skeeters,,, THAILAND VAPERS

  12. Thank you very much Todd, you have helped alot of people out and entertained lots more. Hope you find insporation to continue on a later date. All the best! Marko

  13. Thanks Todd, you did help me take good decisions and find great gear. I do not smoke tobacco anymore now for over two years, you are part of the team that helped me. I can't repay that so I'll just wish you well and hope things go the very best for you and your family.


  14. need to be all modest and shy and all... You have been fantastic my friend! You have helped me more than you'll ever realize and I have enjoyed every single one of your videos. In fact some of them, I have watched over again and again and again.... Mad respect to you my friend and be assured that you have helped a tremendous amount of people to stay away from the stinkers... Good luck with whatever mad project you have been working on and all the best to you and your loved ones. Be safe, God bless and Thank you a million times for everything you've done for us...

  15. Oi Mr Mark Todd....I was blathering on about how I was going to miss you n how great your shows have been etc etc.....hit the "Publish" key, only for my efforts to disappear in to the deep bowels of Google, never to be seen again!!! Anyway, I will miss you dude, take stock n get ya ass back on here.... Until then, take care Big Man n Haste Ye Back!

  16. I love you to bits, Mark! I just started really following your channel. Enjoy your break. I really hope to see more from you in the futures :)))

  17. Thanks for the videos. I wrote a thanks already, but I'm not sure if it posted. Take care Sir:) Much love.

  18. No youtube comments?

  19. I can only say thank you , thank you a thousand times , for whatever time you have devoted to us.

  20. Un grand merci Todd ! Bonne continuation happy vaping to u ! Bisous from France.

  21. Gong to miss ya Todd. Thxs for all the video's it helped me so much

  22. You will be greatly missed my friend, but to be honest, I don't know how you do it! I'd be so burnt out on vaping if I were you. I love what you do, but you must be some sorta vaping superman! Enjoy some time away from the game buddy. You earned it!

  23. Have a great break Mark. Cheers!

  24. Thank you so much for all you have done for the vape community! Going to miss your vids.
    I guess now I have to watch that ass Damian. lol

  25. Happy life! Hugs to TJ and yourself.

  26. Thank You For All You Do !!!! You Will Be Missed !!!!

  27. ciao Mark. we're gonna miss your videos and Scot accent!!! ;-) thanks for all the info and experiences shared

  28. Have good break Mark! Ya great big pile of Fanny Baws, ya xD

  29. Hope to see you back soon!

  30. Enjoy your free time POWER UP and hurry back

  31. Thank you for all of your reviews. You will be missed (and remember the meaning of life is 42).

    Best Regards

  32. We'll all miss your vids Todd, and the waffles, so many waffles. Just keep on being you Todd, waffles and all, ill be waiting to hear the next one.

  33. You're a gem Todd. Farewell and all the best to you and your endeavors. We hope you come back soon. As far as youtube and vaping personalities go, you're the realest of them all. You're a good person, thank you for everything.

  34. Enjoy your vacation Todd, and please do come back. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have found my most favorite mod. The Tomahawk. It was because of you that I have found myself always searching for those unique mods that not a lot of people have heard about nor seen. Truly appreciate it.

  35. Thanks for all your reviews, shame to see you go, but If that's what you gotta do...
    I've bought several mods on your recommendations & haven't been disappointed.

  36. Sorry to see you go Todd loved watching yer vids in the old Scottish twang Hast ye back big man !!

  37. It’s a lang road that’s no goat a turnin.

    "All men make mistakes, but merrit men find out about them sooner."

    Haste ye back indeed.

  38. Cheers for all the advice/reviews/ramblings with a good laugh along the way..take care big man and agin thankyou

  39. Your reviews were informative, detailed and enjoyable. Thanks a million for taking the time and making the effort.
    The very best of luck in your future endeavours!

  40. Thank you Todd! I have enjoyed each and everyone of your reviews even if you did waffle a bit :) I wish you the best if luck in your future endeavours and will be looking forward to your BLUE MOON reviews! GOD BLESS!

  41. Thank you Todd! I have enjoyed each and everyone of your reviews even if you did waffle a bit :) I wish you the best if luck in your future endeavours and will be looking forward to your BLUE MOON reviews! GOD BLESS!

  42. Thx Mark for all you have done for the community and myself over the yrs, your honest no bs style of reviewing will always be remembered.

    Enjoy your time off brother, till next time.

  43. Three words: Rest, Relax, Return!

  44. You will be missed...found you to be genuine, informative and a pleasure to watch...hope all is right with you...and if it is in your destiny to come back on. I will be watching you again

  45. Truly sorry to see you go Mark, lord alone knows where im going to find someone who comes even a little close. My missus couldnt care less about vaping, particulary when it's obscurring her view of corrie ( which is often ) but, she liked watching you.
    Best of luck , and do us a favour and hit me up if you get bored with the Anatolian Mech !!

  46. Hey Todd, Drew here �� As a long time sub and big time fan, I guess it's long past time to show my appreciation. If I may be so bold, I'm quite sure that I speak on behalf of many long-time vapers out there when I tell you this: There are now many vaping channels on YouTube, and a wealth of resources available that was nonexistent a short while ago. Throughout all of this growth, there remains, for many of us, the "Holy Trinity" of reviewers. Pheel, Grimm, and yourself. Take a break, my friend, step away for a spell, but please do return. We miss you already.

  47. Yep, Mark I really couldn't word it better than Drew. You've taught me and helped me to keep going, and made me laugh and laugh. Your enthusiasm is very contagious, and many a time my wallet was worse off a few minutes after watching one of your reviews. Enjoy the time off. Thanks Mark, a thousand times. Peace

  48. I expected it as a sweet and pleasant valediction, and that's what it was. Todd, you got even more than your right to take your well-earned break from doing your always appreciated reviews and vlogs. And still we can count that we'll see you from time to time as you said...
    I really liked everything you stated on the video, specially the "unrelated" chatter about how Scotland regions differ in own expressions and dialectal variety. It happens here in Spain as well and (though it tends to be a disregarded phenomenon and not liked by most), and I guess anywhere in the world from within an isogloss-defined boundary to the following. Languages, and therefore daily interactions and experiences between its speakers get richer just by that. At least that's my point of view.
    But hey, that was not related to vaping. :P
    Calling yourself narcissist or susceptible of being in need of boosting your ego (your eGo? maybe :P) by showing 'vaping jewel(e)ry' was one of the harshest exercises of self-effacement outgiving I've seen in my life. C'mon, Todd. As you talk about helping as much people as possible was the only intention, I have to add that not only helping them by making the right decision between purchasing this apv or that, but between keeping on analag sticks of death daily self-dosage or taking the brave effort to grasp vaping and the good they made to them. You've been one of those reviewers that made me proud of choosing to vape instead of keeping smoking and finally giving it up towards the stinky life again. You made me proud of changing my thoughts about how hard the advanced rebuildable DIY looked to how much I've loved it and how much I regretted not switching sooner from the starter kits to a definitely another level of vape. You made me proud of being a vaper, and of you being the cause of me becoming a fan of the brrreakdowns of your shiny toys. And same words would go for Julio (elmonovapeador) or Pepe (vapeandolowcost) two spanish reviewers that I'm sure you already know better than me. (You do, right? I even saw a comment of yourself telling Jessica (inappropiatereviews) you were a fellow fan since the beginning in one of her videos! Shouldn't be the opposite? :P). And same words go for any reviewer I suscribed to because how much I liked them being both veteran and strongly dedicated to carefully record and edit videos just for a then quite small -still today- community of people, being aware of that! Just trying to help, show and tell what a device is and if it is the one for you, why and how, since the very first days of vaping, where mods didn't existed at all and would be later a complete revolution in autonomy for those atties and cartos and that archaic vapin' tools. :P Names like Scott (igetcha69), Nick (grimmgreen), Phil (pbusardo), Rip ("sickastits"trippers) to name a few, and later reviewers that would come to raise the member count of that huge network of vape reviewers, tutorial and how-to makers and that.
    Hoping my english hasn't been written the weird it uses to be done in most cases, and that you english-speakers understood what I tried to express, cheers to everyone! Also Todd, best wishes for you whatever you dedicate your formerly spent time in making reviews from now on. I guess it's gonna include something like keeping your wooden treasures in best condition as you pointed... so DON'T LET THAT TEMPLARIO DOWN! Otherwise he may whisper to you in ancient castillian "¡Bastardo! ¡Cómo osáis olvidar bruñir la mejor de mis armaduras! ¡Mis fachas mugrientas fascenme parezer un blásfemo demonio del averno! ¡Preparaos a recibir justicia divina!" until you make it shine as crazy. >_<'
    Ignore my last sarcasm, it's just that I'm a happy mad vaper who might miss you a bit in the future! Haste ye' back soon, amigo! :)

  49. An 'on' missing after 'count'.
    Mistyped 'and' twice.

    I'm gonna stop re-reading my own comment, you people are from now on advised that it may contain extreme BRONGness in it.

  50. Thank you for huge love for vaping community.. Big love from Indonesia.. This community missing you Todd..

  51. Wait, no, omg, Todd RETIRING???!!
    Nooooooooooo!!!! Don't leave us Mark, we need you. Anyways, regardless of what you do we all love you and sincerely appreciate all of the great reviews you've given the community for all of these years. I wish you nothing but the best in life and success in every endeavor you pursue.
    All my love and appreciation,sincerely
    An over enthusiastic fan, David

  52. Todd my name is Mark Iam after a templario mod what do I have to do to order one my email is please let me know thank you very much


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