Copper Mod by Da Iron Mod


  1. Hi Todd

    Absolutely loving my luxe mod hybrid dripper set up you reviewed a while back. The dripper you had copper plated really caught my eye..just my sort of thing also and i am considering having the same done to my luxe dripper top cap..Hoping you can help me with a quick question...if you still have the luxe hybrid dripper could you tell me if it will fit the copper mod tube threading? I was hesitant in asking you as i know you must get swamped with questions but I would be really grateful before i spend my hard earned cash on one..i have researched both and they both appear 20x1 though this does not always guarantee they will mate.Love your reviews and thanks if it does work i will send you some pics of my finished copper set up when i get it together.:-) Gavin

  2. Just checked and sorry to say that is a no go :(

    Sorry Gavin.


  3. Hi Todd

    Bugger thats a shame...its strange how there can be so many variations of the same thread size.I am so pleased i decided to check with you first before buying..thanks for that mate you have saved me a lot of hassle and i really appreciate that :-) Hoping to get on the next list for red rod so will probably hold out for that or see what other copper mods come onto the market.

    Thanks again Todd.........Gavin


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