Convert the Smok Vivi to vaping beast!!!

Honestly, this makes the Vivi one serious little bit of kit, I'm over the moon with the vapour and flavour coming out this thing, give it a go folks :)


  1. hello !

    how does the vape compare to the vivi nova mesh conversion you did a while back?

    Looks like my next vaping accessory is going to be a drill thingy! comes in quite handy :)

    Thanks for doing the review and tutorial!

    1. Lot better than a mesh in a Nova, it's just like a proper genisis atty now :)

  2. Nice to see The Wild Angels intro back.

  3. Is the metal stainless or brass?

    I'd like to see you turn an eGo battery into a Roller with a couple of simple mods lol.

    1. for the money, my bet would be plated brass but in saying that, when I drilled the wholes out, still silver!

      I've not touched another atty since I tweaked this, love the vape on it!

      I'll make you a roller mate, some paper mache, bit of glitter and a pair of vals knickers :D

  4. I did exactly that mod when they came out, I couldn't BELIEVE the vape you get from it, it must be something to do with that top chamber shape and size. I still use it in the mornings with my coffee. If somebody can recreate it in glass and steel it's a winner.

    1. That would be a JonBoy Lavatank Genesis.

    2. Correction, Lavagen...........

    3. They look nice, maybe not a hundred quid nice, but nice.


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